German Locks
When I was 20 years old, I went to Germany to visit my father, who lived in Berlin at that time. I stayed there for 2 weeks, and visited many places.
In Koln I was overwhelmed by Kolner Dom. I stayed at relatively cheap hotel I found by asking tourist information. I couldn’t open the door of the hotel room, because how to use the key was different from in Japan, and asked the front desk clerk how to open the door. He showed me how to use the room key. He put the key into the key hole. Then he turned the key twice counterclockwise, and at the end gave it a 90-degree turn clockwise. this last action needs some power with fingers.
German locks are very strong and firm I thought.
The apartment building I stayed with my father in Berlin also had the lock hard to open. The building had the auto-lock door of its entrance. The door itself is large and heavy. In addition, to open the door I needed to push the door the very moment when the auto-lock got unlocked. I couldn’t open that door during all of my stay in Germany. I always got the door opened by my father.