Buffalo portable HDD”HD−PZNU3”
When people carry around large size files such as motion picture and music, potable HDD(hard disc drive) is useful, but security of them are concerned.
Once users lose or drop it, the data inside of it may be misused or broken.
Buffalo portable HDD”HD−PZNU3” with a high-security level and strong tolerance against shocks, solve such problems.
It has 1 terabyte of disk storage, and selling price is around 20 000 yen.
The features of the product is that HDD can be locked and Suica, IC card ticket, is used to unlock it.
Passing Suica over the potable HDD, like when going through ticket wickets, users can unlock it easily.
This function is available by using other 13 IC card tickets all over the country,
PASMO, ICOCA, and so on.
Moreover, electronic money cards such as Edy, nanaco, can be used.
When using it, first, a card has to be registered on portable HDD.
This product is strong enough to bear shocks to some extent, because of silicon rubber inside of it.
It is water-proof, and 300 grams in weight, so it is at ease with carrying around.
It is powered by PCs, using USB connection.iPhone$B$+$iAw?.(B