Research team of Waseda University invented an equipment to detect finger prints and palm prints which are important evidence in police investigation by particular kind of laser light without touching them.
The technology called ” remote sensing ”are applied to the equipment, and practical realization in 2 years are expected.
This equipment is called ” Hiper forensic imager ”
, and developed by a research team of Waseda University, National Research Institute of Police Science, and private companies.
Green laser light are put on fingerprints and palm prints which people left, and then light reflected by protein substance and fat are detected.
A collection of fingerprints can be done within a munite.
In the conventional way that micro powder of metal and liquid are attached to fingerprints, a collection from layers of fingerprints is almost impossible, and there is risk of damaging evidence.
But in the experiment of this new way more than 70% of layers of fingerprints can be taken separately by analyzing wavelength of reflected light.
Mr. Takayuki Muneta, professor of Waseda University, said, ” If remains information about cell other than fat and amino acid, elements of fingerprints, DNA will come to be detected by this way in the future.”iPhone$B$+$iAw?.(B