ASIS International
61回目の年次セミナー•展示会がアメリカ、カリフォルニア州アナハイムで行われています。今年のテーマは“Evolve 2 Advance”。以下のようにセキュリティに関する多くの興味深い催しがあるようです。
(ASISインターナショナルは、1955年に設立された、世界最大のセキュリティ団体です。 米国を中心として、世界204の支部で、38,000人以上の会員が活動しています。日本支部は1975年発足。•••一般社団法人ASISインターナショナル日本支部ホームページより引用)
ASIS International 61st Annual Seminar and Exhibits have taken place in Anaheim, Cali., This year’s theme is “Evolve 2 Advance.” As described below there seem to be many interesting events relating to security.
•an outdoor street fair with popular food trucks taking place along with the president’s reception
•keynote speakers(former commissioner of the New York Police Department, former director of the CIA and National Security Agency, former commander of the United States Joint Forces Command)
•networking luncheon to talk with
security professionals from around the world.
•The Coffee and Conversation event to learn about various career opportunities and build relationships. (Don’t forget your business cards and resume!)
•on-site security store(you can meet with various security authors to get your books signed, ask questions and network.)
•Treasure hunt(Discover the latest and greatest products and services in the security market)iPhone$B$+$iAw?.(B