会社役員に、上甲が入り益々 強靭な会社へと変わります。
執行役員の松林 東 松本も加わり経営陣の強化と安定性が増す事になります。
本当にアサヒプロテクトニーズを愛する仲間と 同じ方向を向いて邁進致します。
2016年度は、新卒 既卒含め 多数の仲間が入ってきます。
どうぞ 社員一同 よろしくお願い申し上げます。
代表取締役社長 栗須俊勝
A happy new year.
The last year, which was a tumultuous year, was over and a new year, 2016, has started.
Our company will become much stronger.
Mr. Joko will be on the board. Operating officers, Mr. Matsubayashi, Mr. Higashi, and Ms. Matsumoto will enhance management and increase stability of the company.
We will work hard, looking at the same goal. All of us truly love Asahi Protect Needs.
This year we will have many new members, not only new graduates but also persons who graduated from college a few years ago.
We work hard for existing members and future members.
We create bright future for next generation.
We all hope that this year will be a good year for both you and us.
We send best regards to all customers, whom we have met already and whom we will meet in the future.
Toshikatsu Kurisu
President and Director
Asahi Protect Needs Co., Ltd.iPhone$B$+$iAw?.(B